Chamber hosts unveiling event at Old Clarkesville Cemetery

Boy Scouts of America Troop No. 5 Life Scout Joseph McGahee unveils his Eagle Scout project on Sept. 23 at the Old Clarkesville Cemetery.
E. Lane Gresham © 2020

Beneath a smiling midday sun shining down from the high blue skies of autumn, an enthusiastic crowd gathered to honor one young man’s commitment to documenting community history.
Tallulah Falls School freshman Joseph McGahee, on his way to Eagle Scout status with Clarkesville BSA Troop No. 5, led the construction process for a new exhibit at the Old Clarkesville Cemetery. “A Slice of History” features an actual slice of a hemlock stump at the historic cemetery.
The Habersham Chamber of Commerce hosted an unveiling event on Sept. 23.
Still pending is the addition of signage documenting dates on the history timeline for Clarkesville and the United States to correlate with the rings of the tree, estimated to be 158-159 years old.
Hemlocks are native to Northeast Georgian and are believed to be used as grave markers in the historic cemetery, established in 1831.
Historic Clarkesville Cemetery Preservation, Inc. Board Member Brooks Garcia and local craftsman Buz Stone helped McGahee plan and execute the project.
Members of Troop No. 5 and scout leaders were also instrumental throughout the process. Donations from local businesses and individuals were also key to the success of the project.
Shown, from left, are Garcia, McGahee and Stone.

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